Sugar baby love

 If the world is to end today, I’ll curse myself for not making it into a rich CEO type! They are known by all sorts of names, but the truth is that they are stealing away all our young, attractive and beautiful ladies.

Sugar baby love is for CEO types

Where then are the young men of this generation going to get the conventional wife materials while young girls are parading the internet in the name of sugar baby love?
Many CEO types are enchanted by the beauty of the girls who are ready to provide time and sex for just a couple of buck. Sugar baby love has driven these men insane and very often, we read headlines of rich CEO types being spotted with a daughter like young ladies romantically involved.

Real love is not sugar baby love

but I am yet to see young couples who are genuinely in love in the face of sugar baby love.

Many of these young women participating in the sugar baby love industry are of the opinion that their time plus suitable seeking arrangements are equivalent to such things like no college debt. But very few of them rarely stop to reminisce the situation they are placing themselves as I consider the act of sugar baby love disgusting and devilish. Where will our young men get wives in the face of sugar baby love? As a young man, I have experienced the challenge of going after my heart only to be disappointed as I do not qualify for the category rich CEO types. As a result, a dark patch has covered my heart not to appreciate young sugar baby love as I know that they always end up frustrations and heartbreaks.

Say YES to sugar baby love

I totally agree that not everyone has passed through my same phase of life, but am yet to see young couples who are genuinely in love in the face of sugar baby love. It is kind of interesting that despite the numerous women’s liberation movement, our culture has always reminded of our culture and a man without a past is as good as dead. Therefore, I propose to our young ladies that despite the harsh economic conditions they are passing through, they should stand firm and say a big NO to sugar baby love as it portrays women as sex objects that can easily be purchased from different sites. Sugar baby love Is not something to be eager to achieve.





